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Respiratory System With a New Person

Published on Nov 20, 2015

The Respiratory system with a Twist


Respiratory System

The Story Of LEONIDAS(AKA air)
Photo by liverpoolhls

The Nose

The filter for the air going into...
Photo by publicenergy

Wind Pipe

The entry for LEONIDAS to...
Photo by danielito311


LEONIDAS Inside The Lungs 

LEONIDAS iS extracted by the airsacs

To the...
Photo by paloetic


LEONIDAS is pumped into the
Photo by JD Hancock

Red blood cells

To all around the body
Photo by Jon McGovern

carbon dioxide takes over lEONIDAS

Then it is pumped back into the red blood cells
Photo by Leo Reynolds

then it goes back into the heart

Then back to the Lungs
Photo by gfinder

then it is pumped back out through the nose

Photo by Great Beyond

leonidas Exits the system

Photo by konstriktion

Thank you for a part of your lifes'

To listen to this Presentation
Photo by lecates