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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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What is responsibility?

Photo by Puzzler4879

Responsibility means...

  • Being accountable for what you do, for your actions and your behavior.
  • *Accountability means - responsibility to someone or for some activity*
  • Doing the right thing at the right time so others can trust and depend on you.

What are ways you show responsibility?

Photo by louisvolant

Examples of how we show responsibility

  • Complete your homework and chores on time without being reminded.
  • Follow through on your commitments, even when you don't feel like it.
  • Accept responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them. Don't make excuses or blame others.
  • Take care of your things and those of other people. Return items you borrow.
  • Make wise choices.
  • ALWAYS do your best!
Photo by Masa Sakano

"What if..." Game

Photo by W P

What if the workers who harvest fruits and vegetables were too busy watching TV to work in the field?

What if all the dairy farmers decided it was too hot to go out and milk the cows in the morning?

Photo by Anna Briggs

What if ALL the teachers at Woodsboro decided to take a trip to the Hawaii instead of coming to school?

Photo by jenschapter3

See what can happen when people do not show responsibility? - We count on others to be responsible and do their job correctly and on time. The jobs you have are just as important.

Photo by harold.lloyd

When you do what is expected of you to the best of your ability, then you are being responsible and others can count on you!

Photo by Daryl I