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Reuse, Reduce And Keep Recycling

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Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish!
It is all around us! However, we continue this nuisance by LITTERING! We watch as helpless animals die, our world turn grey and our future’s heart break. But we ignore the fact that the solution is right in front of us...Recycling!

Photo by gideon_wright

Every year 100s of animals die because of us being wreckless by not keeping our oceans forests and deserts clean. The biggest target for all these are our beloved sea animals . Helpless, poor and defenceless animals mistake rubbish for food and eats them, and can’t it so they end up dying. Every year 25% of the animal population of the animal population decreases. We can fix this issue, by oftenly cleaning beaches, one piece of rubbish at a time.

We are lucky to live in Earth, and if we continue to fill it up full of trash like a rubbish dump we might make it a place where no human can live on. You might do a lot of recycling but that is not enough, we need to think outside the box. Our beautiful Earth has provided us with so much and we need to do something in return by giving back it’s natural beauty.

The worst thing is us kids are growing up in a world, where animals are dying, pollution is a celebrity and Earth is crying. Schools need to start taking kids to excursions or show why recycling will help our future. With all the air pollution which we breathe in we will also slowly harm our bodies, which could totally change the way how humans will live in the future.

Who knows what will happen in the future, if we don’t solve issues like recycling? If we’re not careful, tommorow we might not see anymore sea turtles, or all the trash in the world could turn into a huge trash monster trying to gobble up Earth. Our beautiful dirty Earth we need to save it.