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Revolutionary War

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A person under a legal agreement to work and learn a craft
Photo by badoir


A large sheet of paper used to advertise, announce,or offer opinions


A man born in the upper class or polite society


To be free of government interference
Photo by Al_HikesAZ


A pole or tree used to post patriot announcements
Photo by slgckgc


An American who did not supported the revolution and was loyal or Britain
Photo by Hayes MKII


A tradesman who worked with his hands


A collection of valued or memorable items


A person whose business was to trade with other countries


An American who supported the revolution sometimes they were called wigs
Photo by The U.S. Army


A deadly and very contagious measles like disease which called or scarred many people
Photo by manoftaste.de


An inn or lodging house which sold food and was an agent of change

A soldier of the American army or the worthless paper money the Continel congress used for money worth nothing hence the phrase “not worth a continental “”

Photo by pina messina

Continental congress
The legislative body of the colonies they agreed to publish the Declaration of Independence

Reproduction of a document book or paper

Photo by Kotomi_

Citizen soldiers that go to War in emergencies to defend their home or town not many milita were trained these men made up most of the Continental Army

Photo by mebrett

Minute men
Colonial soldiers to agreed to fight the British at a minutes notice they were the backbone of the Continental Army most of them were from New England

Photo by Scott*

And undisciplined group of protesters who often took the law into their own hands

Official governing body of Great Britain made up of the house of lords in the house of commons

Small privately owned merchant ships fitted with the weaponry and pirated British cargo or supply ships

Photo by mikebaird

British slang term for colonial troops or the continental Army

Photo by dbnunley

Red coats
American slang term for the British soldiers since their uniforms were bright red

Photo by Dun.can

Sons of liberty
Secret group of radicals formed by Samuel Adams to protest British taxes and goods

The arches military command to asked to plan an overall plan of how to deploy troops anywhere to deploy Chiefs are parts of strategic

Photo by horrigans

The shot heard around the world
Famous phrase from Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson‘s poem about the first shot of the revolutionary war of Lexington and Concord Massachusetts on April 19, 1775

Photo by uair01

Declaration of Independence
The formal statement that declared the United states free of Great Britain. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress on July 4 , 1776

Photo by afagen

A person authorized or sent as a representative of others such as the delegates of the 2nd continental Congress

The artful handling of international relations, a skill necessary to negotiate treaties.

Photo by nachof

Indentured Servant
A person, who in exchange for free passage to the American Colonies , worked for a master for a period of 4 to 7 years. Many Americans who came to the Colonies were indentured servants.

A person who betrays his or her country such as Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War.

Photo by morberg

Three sided hat of both civilian and Military fashion during the Revolutionary War.

Oppressive or unjust ruler ruled by a tyrant, or absolute ruler. Americans believed parliament and King George were tyrants.

Photo by Mister Higgs

Slang term to describe a person from New England, Later this term was used for a person from America.

Photo by shinya