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Rhode Island

Published on Oct 12, 2016

By Ella Ogden


Rhode Island Colony

the land of liberty

Colonial Rhode Island:

  • Was founded by Roger Williams.
  • Rhode Island was in region New England.
  • Was founded in 1636
Photo by Rob Weir

About Roger Williams

  • Was born December 21, 1603, London, United Kingdom.
  • Roger Williams was a Puritan. He was also a supporter of religious freedom.
Photo by HarlanH


Rhode Island had mountains, trees, rivers, and poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unstable for crops.

Rhode Island also had a red cay surrounding its shore.

Rhode Island had mountains, trees, rivers, and poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unstable for crops.

Photo by Rob Weir


Rhode Island had no official religion, which means people were free to practice any kind of religion they wanted to. The main religion was Quaker.
Quaker meetings take place in buildings or houses, not churches. They usually sit facing each other in a circle or square.


Ship building, manufacturing, export of rum, fishing, and
some farming

Photo by DGHdeeo

fun facts

  • Rhode Island's motto is "hope."
  • Rum manufacturing was so popular in the Rhode Island Colony that by 1761 it was home to three sugar refineries and twenty two distilleries.
  • The Rhode Island colony was first to declare independence from Great Britan formally on May 4th, 1776.
Photo by Ben McLeod

Untitled Slide

  • Rhode Island got its name because of the red clay surrounding its shore
  • The Rhode Island colony became a state on May 29th, 1790.
  • Roger Williams paid the Indians for their land, as he and several others believed it was the right thing to do.
Photo by eschipul

Rhode Island
They mostly grow peaches and apples. Rhode Islanders do grow many vegetable and dairy products. Some vegetables are sweet corn, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, squash, soybeans, and potatoes.

Photo by DeaPeaJay

Here is a statue of Roger Williams in Rhode Island

Photo by HarlanH

here is a picture of Rhode Islands flag

Why you would move to the Rhode Island colony:
1. If you are Jewish, Rhode Island holds the first Synagog in the new world.
2. In Rhode Island, you are allowed to practice any type of religion.
3. There are a wide variety of jobs to choose from, such as fishermen, textile makers, ship builders, lumber workers, and many more.

Photo by blmiers2

Thanks for watching!

Photo by cmiper