Tips for Playing a Latin Paradiddle:
1. The first time you try this exercise – repeat it until you become comfortable with this sticking pattern. For now, keep it simple. RLRR LRLL (single paradiddles).
2. One that feels comfortable, add the bass drum part on beats 1 and 3. Play until you feel comfortable. Don’t play the accents yet.
3. Now add the accents. If you are having trouble playing the accents with the sticking pattern and the bass drum, slow it down. Practice each exercise very very slowly. Once you perfect this beat, speed is easy to develop.
4. Play these paradiddle exercises with one hand on a ride cymbal and the other on the snare drum. This will make it sound like you’re playing some very complicated polyrhythms.
5. Play the paradiddle with each hand using a different drum. This gives you the same complicated polyrhythmic sound as the previous one.
6. Break up the paradiddle and play them around the drum set. Try playing all single strokes on the snare (RL) and all double strokes (RR LL) on a tom.
Now you are a pro! Don’t forget to have fun!