National television coverage, featuring his early prison photo, flushed Ramirez out from where he had been hiding in East LA the very next day and, when he tried to escape the growing lynch mob, it was only the arrival of the police that saved him from violent death at the hands of the mob, when he confessed to being “The Night Stalker.
Ramirez later retracted his confession, claiming a case of mistaken identity. he was charged with 14 murders and 31 Felonies.
Almost three years after his apprehension, on 22 July 1988, the jury selection process began, and the case took a full year to hear.due to the sheer amount of evidence present
On 7 November 1989 Ramirez received 19 death sentences, to which he responded: "''No big deal. Death always comes with the territory. I'll see you in Disneyland.''
Following sentencing Ramirez was transferred to Death Row at San Quentin State Prison.where he received the death penalty"