Riding Tall - The story of Palm Sunday

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Riding Tall

Local boy makes good
Photo by Elsie esq.

Matthew 21:1-11

The Triumphal Entry
Photo by zAppledot


As Jesus came over the Mount of Olives
Photo by Ian W Scott


Who do you look to for salvation?
Jesus - Matthew 1:21 - call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins

Takes away our sins - Jn 1:29

Calls sinners - Luke 5:32

Came to save sinners - 1 Timothy 1:15-16


Who do you follow?
Has those who obey his instructions

disciples - those who commit willingly to learn from him

called lord, master, the one in charge

Has a plan

for now - with people and resources waiting for him to call on them.......

for later - prophecies that were expressed in the past and laid out to be shared in the future as well

353 specifically related to Jesus, some include others, some have a shorter list, but the point is that there was a lot said about the Messiah in the OT see www.accordingtothescriptures.org


How do you solve conflict?
Rode in on a donkey - diplomatic symbol of peace

He is the symbol and source of peace, the best place to find peace

absence of conflict

overall well being internally despite the tempest externally

Prince of Peace Is 9:6

Offers us peace in John 14:27

Peace found in Jesus Phil 4:6-9
Photo by Zaqqy J.


Where do you turn during difficult times?
"local boy makes good"

stable -

from stable and birth in very humbling beginnings


Considered the other side of the tracks


the way Jesus was being greeted was in terms meant for the Messiah

To go from an overflow stable room during his birth to being welcomed as an important prophet and ruler related to King David.......

is quite a run.....

Next week and ultimately the one who conquers death.....

But that is next week.....


Who do you represent?
Comes to Jerusalem during passover

as the passover lamb

1 Peter 1:19

1 Cor. 5:7

In the name of......

as a representative of the Father's will


for God so loved......

for God gave

His only Son came willingly to give his life


John 10:25-30

John 14:10


What is God stirring up in you?
violent word

earthquakes, tres shaking

Jesus challenges our foundational beliefs

At the heart level -


In the community

all of Jerusalem was involved in the celebration of passover

the whole nation was looking for the Messiah

On this day they get the prophet named Jesus from Nazareth - which means the guarded one
Photo by BenFrantzDale

Who is your Savior?

  • Who do you follow?
  • How do you handle conflict?
  • What obstacles are you facing?
  • Who do you represent?
  • What is God stirring in you?

How would you answer these questions?

Which question means the most to you?

Who will you share the answers with today?

If you are not sure of the answer, who will you connect with today for the answer?

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User