Hey, Dylan here. I'm the soul behind 'A Glad Diary'. A Glad Diary is a lifestyle blog. I muse about travel, home design, product reviews, life lessons, and crazy amounts of lists. I love to buy and find out the cloth I love on RIHOAS Since you're on this page to get to know me more, let's start from the beginning, shall we?
I hail from the beautiful island of Cebu, Philippines. I met my husband, Gideon, in the same city but it wasn't anything romantic. In fact, we were both dating someone else when we first said our hellos. lol. It's funny how things turn out at times.
It was in Singapore where the friendship develop. And now, well, we became a family of 3.
all started in 2010. It wasn't anything serious. A colleague inspired me to start my own blog. I write whatever. Sentences are hard to follow. My grammar was non-existent. The spelling, nah, forget it!
If you happen to visit aucourantpriness at that time (now A Glad Diary), within 5 seconds, I'd probably land on your rarely used website block list! lol. And I already earned a Bachelor's Degree at that.
What do I know, I'm just some thick face out there parading her flaws.
But of course, I had my fair share of critics too. I'm not against them though. If they only invited me in, I'll be that one girl screaming the loudest, "Yeah, my writing sucks!"
Thank you so much for broadcasting my imperfections, the more motivated I am to improve. Well, not really! It was the hubby who encouraged me to write again.