Rituals and Rites of Passage

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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I CAN understand and identify the 3 stages of a Rite of Passage

I CAN distinguish a Rite of Passage from a Ritual

I CAN determine if there is sufficient evidence to support an event being a Rite of Passage

Rites of Passage

"In the middle of our life journey I found myself in a dark wood. I had wandered from the straight path. It isn't easy to talk about it: it was such a thick, wild and rough forest that when I think of it my fear returns... I can't offer any good explanation of how I entered it. I was so sleepy at the point that I strayed from the right path."

- Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy

Rite of Passage:

A ritual that gives significance to the experience of becoming an adult

Photo by brongaeh

Key Concepts

  • Any regular activity done in a set pattern can be ritualistic
  • Rituals and ritualizing tell us how to relate to and give meaning to an experience
  • Rituals aid or guide life's transitions
  • The Rite of Passage is an essential step for the growth for individuals and for communities
Photo by sparklefish



The initiate must be stripped from the comforts and securities of everyday life, of the old or immature self.


The initiate faces obstacles that creates an emotional change from immaturity to maturity. This is a "psychological death and rebirth."

Photo by infomatique


The initiate returns, having changed in a way that benefits society.

Photo by yewenyi

Scott Christensen

Haiku Deck Pro User