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Road To TX Revolution

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By: Larissa Kim

Law of April 6, 1830

  • Event: decree from Mexican Gov.
  • When: April 6th 1830
  • Who: Mier y Terán and John Bradburn
  • Because of the law’s restrictions like not being able to bring slaves and no more American immigration, there were a lot of conflict like the Disturbance at Anahuac

Disturbance at Anahuac

  • Event: Conflict
  • When: May of 1832
  • Who: Bradburn, Willian B. Travis, William Logan, and Patrick Jack
  • American William Logan got caught while trying to find 2 runaway slaves by Bradburn. Bradburn wouldn’t release him until he had proof of ownership. So Logan hired a lawyer named William B. Travis to help him.


  • But then Travis started spreading some rumors so Bradburn threw him and an attorney named Patrick Jack into jail. Jacks brother heard this and got angry. This led to the Turtle Bayou Resolutions.

Turtle Bayou Resolutions

  • Event: Document
  • When: June 12th 1832
  • Who: John Austin and Protesting settlers.
  • The settlers heard about the arrest and got angry so they decided to attack Bradburn ( Not Mexico). They sent John Austin to fetch a cannon and reinforcements. On his way back, the Mexican soldiers spotted them at Velasco. This led to the battle of Velasco.


  • Event: Battle
  • When: .June 6th 1832
  • Who: Mexican Soldiers, John Austin and his reinforcements.
  • Austin had victory over the Mexicans(even though the Mexicans ran out of ammo). When he and his army arrived home, they have received news that Bradburn was fired and Jack and Travis were released. But the settlers still had some complaints so they held a convention...


  • Event: Meeting
  • When: 1832-1833
  • Who: Texans, Stephen F. Austin
  • The Texans called a meeting to discuss grievances they had against Mexico. After the meeting, they voted Stephen F. Austin to take their complaints to Mexico.


  • Event: Meeting
  • When: July, 1833
  • Who: Stephen F. Austin, Santa Anna, Valentín Farías
  • When Austin arrived, Mexico City was in a cholera outbreak so it took 2 months to contact Santa Anna. During the two months Austin got impatient so he sent a letter back home saying that Mexico granted them independence. But the letter got intercepted so Austin was thrown in jail.


  • Event: Battle
  • When: October 2, 1835
  • Who: Santa Anna, Mexican and Texan troops
  • Because of all the tension, when the Mexicans asked for their cannon back, they said NO. The Mexicans got mad, so they sent troops to retrieve it. But it was too late, the Texans were already on the move. When they met, they fought a fierce battle.

Consultation at San Felipe

  • Event: meeting
  • When: November 4, 1835
  • Who: Branch T. Archer, Pro War Faction, Pro Peace Faction.
  • At this meeting, the peace ,war factions, and Archer (the chairman of the consultation) decided to attack Mexico for independence or not. In the end it was clear that they would fight against Mexico and become an independent state.


  • Event: Battle
  • When: December 5
  • Who: Mexican and Texian Army.
  • The Texan army headed down to San Antonio to conquer it. They did this because it was one of the largest cities. For a while, neither sides gain anything but the next day the battle favored the Texans and the army won the battle! The other surviving Mexicans ran off to fort Alamo.


  • The road to Texas Revolution started at the Battle of Velasco. This was when the real conflict with the army started. After that, the Texians had meetings to discuss their complaints and sent people to bring it to the government and when they didn’t get their way, they launched an attack on them. After the attack on San Antonio, they attacked the Alamo. They signed a Declaration of Independence document. Then, they finally were free from Mexico.