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Roaring Twenties

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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The Roaring Twenties

Presentation by: Jataya and Alexis 

Technology and inventions

  • Radios
  • Vacuums 
  • Washing machines 
  • Automobiles 
  • Water and Sanitation Systems 
Photo by John Starnes


  • Time when selling, making and drinking intoxicated liquids was illegal
  • This is where bootleggers and racketeers came into play
  • Prohibition was intended to bring back safer times for citizens
  • Drinking and the number of crimes increased 
  • Blue Laws- restricted certain things on Sundays 
Photo by KCTS 9

Southern Literary Renaissance

  • Artists wrote about African Americans 
  • Julia Peterkin & DuBose Heyward 
  • Called for better jobs and opportunities 
  • Resulted in violence and discrimination 
Photo by paloetic

Harlem Renaissance

  • Increased black pride by migrating because of racial tensions 
  • Culture 
  • Artistic expressions 
  • Jazz music became very popular 
  • Leader: Langston Hughes 
Photo by cataloft


  • Young female with short bobbed hair 
  • Wore unusual clothing 
  • Did things and said things that were not lady-like 
  • "New Women" 

19th Amendment

  • Gave women the right to vote 
  • Beginning of giving equal rights to women 
Photo by Vox Efx


  • Radios, jazz music, and dance
  • Youth preferred to listen to the jazz bands that played
  • In addition to music, they LOVED to dance
  • The movie theaters were popular 
  • The Big Apple was a popular S.C. night club
Photo by Vox Efx


  • Hotels were built and opened 
  • The coast became more popular 
  • National Historic Movement began  
Photo by blavandmaster


  • Discriminated against blacks, immigrants, Roman Catholics
  • Burned schools, houses, churches, and crosses 
  • Weakened but then brought back during the Civil Rights Era 
  • Still continues today to demonstrate white supremacy
  • Wanted to return to the Antebellum period
Photo by amphalon

The 1920's was different because...

  • During war time people were rational
  • They were worried about war effects
  • The 1920's was a time which was enjoyed
  • New technology was invented or brought up
  • Generations had changed 
Photo by Vermin Inc