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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Rocket Design and Testing

By: Madan aryal, Anish Duwal, Ahmad Helal
Photo by jurvetson

Strain gage transducer

  • Rocket test-stand for evaluating the thrust curves .
  • The physical input converted to an electrical output by means of transducer.
  • A strain gage attached on the cantilever beam is used as transducer, which will give the output voltage as function of deflection.

Strain Gage setup

  • The base made up of wood was used to hold the strain gage.
  • Rocket engine was adjusted at the free end of the rod.
  • Bucket full of water was used as a damping system.
  • After ignition, measurement were taken and noted in excel spreadsheet.

The graph obtained is shown below.


  • The egg with parachute was used as altimeter.
  • Circular plastic with diameter of 50 cm was taken and was tied on six different edges with strings of length 50 cm.
  • An egg was balanced in six straws using tape and was later on attached with the parachute.

Altimeter was dropped number of times from a fixed height (h=3.556m)
Time of flights were noted and velocity was calculated using terminal velocity equation
Terminal velocity was calculated as 3.9 m/s.


  • Materials used:
  • Smart water bottle
  • Tape
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Engine
  • Paper cone

Rocket design

Rocket setup

  • The base part of the bottle was cut off to balance altimeter on the top and was covered with a paper cone.
  • The engine was fixed on the neck of the bottle with the tape.
  • The whole body of rocket was covered with aluminum foil and tape.
Photo by skasuga


  • The rockets ascent was successful.
  • The unsatisfactory outcome was not a proper launch of altimeter.
  • The altimeter was loosely placed on the bottle.
  • As the body was hollow and there was no compartment separating the altimeter and engine, the engine ended up with burning our parachute.
Photo by jurvetson