ROles of the School Librarian
What are LIbraries Looking Like?
Thinking About Development
The Library Program “The mission of the library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of information.”
THe SChool LIbrarian
- Teaches
- Collaborates
- Provides resources
- Provides access
- Provides leadership
School Librarians Role
- Instructor
- Information Specialist
- Instructional Partner/Collaborator
- Program Administrator
The School Library Program
- Promotes Collaboration
- Promotes Reading
- Provides instruction that addresses multiple literacies
- models an inquiry-based approach to learning
- …is guided by regular assessment of student
Three Stages of Systematic PLanning
- Gather information about the
community and the school.
- Analyze the school program
- Establish program priorities.
Programs (THe Big Ones)
- Resource management (webpage, ebooks, more)
- Reference/Information services
- Activities related to books, reading, literacy
- Technology based skills/instruction
Programs (Others)
- Collaborative planning and teaching/Assessment
- Production services
- Creation Spaces/Maker Spaces
- Morning video
- Staff Development
A word about Makerspaces
- Creative arts and tech spaces for exploration
- More libraries doing them
- Great for some, not right for others
- Needs assessment, is it right for your patrons
Untitled Slide
- Need a spirit of fearlessness with the technology
- Can be messy and noisy
- Excellent for problem solving, exploration, etc
- Creating knowledge instead of absorbing it
Preddy, Lesley. (2013). Creating School
Library “Makerspace.” School Library Monthly
29(5), 41-42:
Central Elements of The LMC
- Collaborative planning
- Building power readers
- Enhancing learning through technology
- Information and Digital Literacy
Achieving Exemplary Libraries
- Be sure to refer to SC’s standards for school
library programs
- Program recommendations
- Evaluation rubrics