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Roman Centers

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Roman Centers

By:Ashlyn Roberts

Julius Caeser

  • He was one of the best military leaders
  • He decided to march around the Mediterranean and Western Europe
  • He marched to Gaul because they changed the concept and characters of the Romans
  • Went to Egypt,met Cleopatra and made her his queen.

Julius Caeser continued

  • He was Assassinated at a gathering by the Senate on March 15 44 B.C.
Photo by findustrip


  • Agustus's birth name was Octavius.
  • He was born on September 23, 63 B.C.
  • His successor was Tiberius.
  • Agustus died on the 19 of August 14 B.C.
  • He ruled Rome for almost 45 years.

Roman Baths

  • Contained swimming pools, baths, exercise areas, libraries, restaurants, and shops.
  • Had an curved tool called a strigil, The slaves would use to wipe the sweat off their master.
  • The Romans might have went to the Tempidarium, a place were they could have taken a bath
Photo by jay galvin

Roman Baths continued

  • They could have went to one of the 4 rooms called Coldaria (rooms of the hot baths).
  • The Romans could have went to the steam room and after that cool off in the outdoor swimming pool called a Frigidarium.
  • They also had a gymnasium called a Palaestria.
Photo by Verino77

Roman Roads

  • The Romans made the roads to get armies to the battle faster.
  • They were built in 5 steps.
  • 1. at the bottom of a trench the Romans put a layer of big stones.
  • 2.They placed another layer of pebbles, cement, and sand.
  • Next they would place a layer of cement mixed with broken tiles.
Photo by KJGarbutt

Roman Roads continued

  • 4.They put the paving stones on the surface and were cut so they could fit tightly together.
  • 5.The final thing the Romans did was placed kerb stones, which were stones that held the paving stones together and they also made a canal for water to run through.
Photo by Bushtick

Romulus and Remus

  • They were twin brothers that were abandoned and left in the Tiber river.
  • A female wolf found and nursed them.
  • They were raised by a shepherd.
Photo by D&S McSpadden

Romulus and Remus continued

  • They both founded Rome and fought over who would be he ruler.
  • Romulus killed Remus and stole credit for founding the city and gave his name to Rome around 753 B.C.
Photo by mharrsch


  • Some people at Universities and Churches can speak it fluently.
Photo by tim caynes


  • Some prefixes come from Latin.
  • The romance languages (like Spanish and French) come from Latin.
Photo by Werner Kunz

Roman Numerals

  • You can't subtract more than once in Roman Numerals.(Ex:correct-IV=4 incorrect-IIV=3)
  • If you have a smaller number to the left of a larger number you carry those two together.(Ex:CXIX=C X IX)
Photo by gaco79

Roman Numerals continued

  • You can't subtract 1 from C, L, D, and M.
  • I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000
Photo by James Bowe

Roman Republic

  • There are 3 branches of the Roman Republic.
  • The oldest and most powerful branch of the Roman republic was the Senate, which was governed by the patricians (noble men).
  • The Senate was in charge of how Rome should act towards Rome's neighboring countries and how Rome's money was spent.
Photo by tom$

Roman Republic continued

  • The next branch was the assembly, it was made up of representatives for the plebeins ( everyone that wasn't noble or a slave).
  • They protected the plebeins rights.
  • The patritians posted republic laws in the forum (a gathering place in Rome)
Photo by bezaleel31

Roman Republic continued

  • The third branch of the Roman republic was made up of 2 consults that each served for 1 year.
  • They were elected by the assembly but they follow the orders of the Senate most of the time.
  • They were Roman military leaders and high judges.
Photo by tom$