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Roman Food

Published on Nov 03, 2016

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Roman Food

By Chloe Benthien
Photo by Aaron Landry

Common Ancient Roman Food

  • Breakfast or ientaculum, was bread or a wheat pancake eaten with dates and honey.
  • Lunch or prandium, consitsted of fish, cold meat, bread and vegetables, often leftovers from dinner the night before.
  • Dinner or cena, varied among classes. The poor ate a simple meal of vegetables and porridge, whereas the wealthy enjoyed several course meals of exotic food and wine.
Photo by lynn.gardner

rarities in ancient rome

  • Pork was a common meat, along with sausages. Beef however was uncommon in rome being more common in greece. meat was scarce and difficult to get unless you were wealthy.

Cooking and preparation

  • The ancient Romans cooked over an open hearth with hanging kettles or a preheated oven that baked food as it cooled down.
  • In the country or wealthy homes kitchens were a room attached to the back of the house.
  • In cities, commoners shared a public kitchen buying bread and cooking simple meals on a common hearth and saved them for later.
Photo by pamhule