Why does Paul say: "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation."
Paul's heart yearns for the church to be united. He asks believers not to please themselves but to please their neighbors. Just like Jesus had sacrificed himself for us. How can you practically obey this in your life today?
Share your answers with a partner. Decide the best answer and commit to carrying it out as a group. Do all that you can to build up the unity of your church, which is what Paul wanted.
Concerning Paul, he is not shaken by persecution, prison, shipwrecks, death, rebuke, or cursing. Why? He has overcome them by His walk with Jesus Christ.
Paul at this point in Roman has got everything in Christ, and has nothing to lose. He is dangerous. And he wants the church and us as believers to be just as powerful in our faith.