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Rome Part II /Byzantine EMpire

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Rome Part II /Byzantine EMpire

Study Guide

As Roman Emperor, Constantine moved the empire’s capital to______ which later became known as Constantinople.

Photo by hugovk


Photo by hugovk

By 100 B.C., ____ percent of Italy’s people were enslaved.

Photo by SBA73


Photo by SBA73

____ was one of the “Good Emperors” who built a wall in Britain.

Photo by quisnovus


Photo by quisnovus

Named his horse as a consul.

Photo by failing_angel


Photo by failing_angel

Julius Caesar was seen as a hero by ___

Photo by zilverbat.

Rome’s lower classes

Photo by zilverbat.

Justinian ordered reform of the ___, which even now influences Europe.

Photo by sjmcdonough

Law Code

Photo by sjmcdonough

Who helped Justinian Rule?

His wife, Theodora

Who was the musical emperor who is said to have “fiddled while Rome burned”?

Octavian took the title of . . .

Photo by profzucker


Photo by profzucker

Who was the Visigoth leader who managed to capture the city of Rome?

Photo by 5telios


Photo by 5telios

Pax Romana translates to . . .

Roman Peace

Who invented the 12-month calendar?

Photo by Valentina_A

Julius Caesar

Photo by Valentina_A

What began the fall of ROme?

poor leadership, attacks by invaders, and a declining economy

The First Triumvirate included . . .

Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar

The members of Rome’s Second Triumvirate were . . .

Photo by vgm8383

Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus

Photo by vgm8383

The reign of Augustus began a long era of . . .that lasted about 200 years.


Who helped women gain more rights?

Photo by vgm8383

Empress Theodora

Photo by vgm8383

Under Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire’s European boundaries were set at the ___ and --- Rivers.

Photo by SimoneD90

Rhine and Danube

Photo by SimoneD90

When Roman coins lost value what happened?


True or False

When the last Severan emperor died, the economy finally began to prosper


Julius Caesar Campaigned to conquer Gaul and then invaded Britain.

Julius Caesar Filled the Senate with people he thought were friends.

Julius Caesar Formed the First Triumvirate 2 years after becoming a praetor.

Julius Caesar Hid any facts that did not make him look brave and intelligent.

Photo by Lorenzoclick


Photo by Lorenzoclick

Julius Caesar's son became emperor after his death.

Julius Caesar was Murdered after a Senate meeting by a group of his friends.

Julius Caesar Referred to himself as King.


Julius Caesar Started a civil war.

Photo by andrei.olariu


Photo by andrei.olariu

Julius Caesar Started a public jobs program.

Photo by ajagendorf25


Photo by ajagendorf25

When ordered to give up his army, Julius Caesar replied by invading Rome.

Photo by rmlowe


Photo by rmlowe

Western Rome Vs. Eastern Rome

Became a center for trade.

Photo by pedro_qtc


Photo by pedro_qtc

Became known as the Byzantine Empire.

Became more Greek.

Photo by vgm8383


Photo by vgm8383

Ended with the murder of its 14 year old emperor.

Photo by wili_hybrid


Photo by wili_hybrid

Germanic general overthrows emperor signaling the end of this part of the Roman Empire.

Photo by Valentina_A


Photo by Valentina_A

Justinian takes the throne.

New law code is completed.

Photo by Werner Kunz


Photo by Werner Kunz

Ottoman Turks loot Constantinople signaling the end of this part of the Roman Empire.

Vandals attacked this part of the Roman Empire.

Photo by Valentina_A


Photo by Valentina_A

Visigoths invaded this part of the Roman Empire.

Photo by vgm8383


Photo by vgm8383

short Answer

It could be argued that the Roman Empire was destined to fail. Why? Make certain to include concrete examples and justifications.

____ was the main reason that Rome fell because . . .. Make certain to include concrete examples and justifications.