In Roman colosseums, the arenas were covered with sand to soak up the blood of combatants.
The Romans impatiently waited for the weekends so they could go play sports.
Roman life and social structure
Each morning, the average Roman citizen woke up, labored, relaxed, ate, and always survived. Most of the freed men worked at various trades(bakers, carpenter, fishmongers, or carpenters)
Roman Engineering/
Roman aqueducts could not be too steep, otherwise the water wouldn't flow
Water was fundamental to Romans as it revolved around the aqueducts, which needed water.
Rome Religion Mythology/Christianity
The Romans believed that the gods controlled their lives, and they spent a great deal of time worshiping them.
Christianity was not favored by the Romans, only the poor and many “lowlife” women. They took their lives in their own hands.
If the defendant tries to invade then the plaintiff has the right to fight him