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Ron Clark Academy

Published on Apr 08, 2018

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Ron Clark Academy

Joy and Learning combined

Reflect on this

  • You are the main character in your classroom (Story, Movie, Play)
  • Are you exuding joy?
  • Your students are your audience. How would they rate your class? How would you rate your class?
  • Would you want to return to your class everyday? Would you buy a ticket?
Photo by Jad Limcaco

Set your Stage to Engage

Engagement is key to bringing Joy to your classroom 
Photo by Ben White

Start Small

  • SMILE even when you are tired
  • Use cheers, chants, and songs. There are already dozens created for you for free online.
  • Make your space personal by printing photos of your students for display.
Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Do These things

  • Use music everyday. Music makes learning memorable. Use online resources! Ask students to write songs for you.
  • Encourage students to lift each other up.
  • Expect students to track all speakers
  • Use class time for instructional activities vs lecture. Incorporate movement every 10 minutes (CONTENT BASED, nothing separate).
Photo by Eric Nopanen

Insert Magic into content

  • change classroom physical environment (move furniture formation, add table cloths, blankets)
  • Change lighting in the room
  • "Be" what you are teaching and set your stage.
  • Making memories WILL solidify your content.
Photo by Mervyn Chan

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