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Ruby Holler

Published on Aug 19, 2016

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Ruby Holler

All their lives, Dallas and Florida have been known as the "trouble twins."

Along with 11 other children, they are constantly mistreated. They've been thrown into the chair in the dreaded thinking corner millions of times.

Photo by kstepanoff

One day, Tiller and Sairy, an eccentric old couple who live in the wonderful Ruby Holler, want to foster two children to take on two spectacular trips.

Tiller and Sairy leave the Boxton Creek Home with two hesitant children- Florida and Dallas.

Florida and Dallas have been to many Foster Homes over the last few years, and have never stayed at one home more than three to four nights.

Photo by tommy@chau

As soon as they arrive, they are anxious to get on the night train and ride away. They have been dreaming about that train as long as they can remember.

Photo by PeterThoeny

Florida doesn't think Tiller or Sairy want anything to do with her or her brother, but Dallas believes that the old couple really cares about them.

Photo by Clapagaré

After a few days, Dallas and Florida are extremely eager to escape on the night train with their early earned money.

Photo by Bert Kaufmann

But will something deep down inside their hearts stop them from leaving the humble old couple?