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Rules of football

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Rules of football

What are the rules?
Photo by Vox Efx

There are certain rules that you have to follow when playing any sport: Football in particular.

Photo by deepwarren

1. Offside- You have to stay on your side until the ball is snapped or it is a penalty of 5 yards.

Photo by hectorir

In case you were wondering snapped is when the center throws the ball under his legs to the quarterback to start the play

Photo by Cliff_Baise

2. False start- When one of the 7/11 people move or one of the others moves in a illegal manner.

Photo by spike55151

3. Illegal motion- Moving in an illegal manner or in a not respectful way.

Photo by sunsurfr

4: Illegal act- Doing something to harm another or illegally doing something that will suspend you from the game.

There are many more but those are the basics.

Photo by mick62