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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Photo by Leonrw

Russian Education
In Russia it's compulsory to attend school for 9 years.

Photo by sciencesque

Australian education
In Australia it's compulsory to have 11 years of education.

Photo by mariskar

Population of Russia
143.5 million

Photo by mksystem

Population of Australia
22.68 million

Photo by colinlogan

Russia's language
In Russia they speak Russian.

Australian language
The language spoken in Australia is English.

Russian food
Pelmeni are pastry dumpling stuffed with meatballs. This can be served alone or with butter and sour cream.

Australian food
Anzac biscuits are biscuits that can't go off and were made for the soldiers in the war.

Russian religion
In Russia their main religion it Russian Orthodox.

Photo by VinothChandar

Australian religion
In Australia the main religion is Christian.

Russian Government
The Russia's government is a democracy.

Photo by Vvillamon

Australian government
The Australian government is a democracy.

Photo by nicsuzor

Russian clothing
In Russia they wear clothing to suit the cold climates.

Australian clothing
Australian clothing was originally suited to an out door life style to cope with the warmth.

Photo by Sheba_Also