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Photo by Chrisser


  • Has been run by a Czardom, and a Communist party (USSR)
  • Czarist Russia was controlled somewhat like a monarchy were the royal figure had all power
  • The communist part was more totalitarian were the government controlled almost everything, including the market.


  • Russia has had some exceptional leaders and some questionable ones
  • Joseph Stalin, for example was the leader of Russia during, and after WW2, he is most infamous for his forced work camps (Gulags), where an estimated 1-1.6 million people died in a 24 year span.
Photo by JBrazito


  • Was leader of Russia from 1953 till 1964, he's is best known for his destalinization of the USSR which started a less repressive part of the USSRs history, he's also known for attempting to supply nuclear missiles to cuba
Photo by manhhai


  • Is universally considered Russia's greatest ruler, he reformed Russia making it a more modern and westernized, he is also know for expanding Russia's border to the Black Sea
Photo by thbl


  • Arguably Russia's most recognized alcoholic beverage vodka is made with potatoes or grain, and is flavored with a wide variety of ingredients from horseradish to fruits.
Photo by thisislike


  • Small buns of yeast or short pastry, filled with one of a wide variety of fillings
Photo by leighklotz


  • A whole fruit preserves, that is very similar to jams except it has no jelling additive.
Photo by djwtwo


  • A traditional trapeze shaped Russian dress worn by Russian folk girls, it was first mentioned in 1376
Photo by Franco Folini


  • A traditional Russian head dress commonly worn by women in association with a sarafan
Photo by chronographia


  • A shirt usually unbuttoned that was popular among peasants


  • Composers, most notably Igor Stravenski and few Soviet composers, made classical music, which was very popular during the 20th century
Photo by Kotomi_


  • A very popular genre in Russia from about the 70s up to the 2000s
Photo by musatych


  • The Russians adapted to permafrost by coming up with innovative ways to construct houses, such as on stilts
Photo by Fiona in Eden


  • Since most important of Russia isn't farmable, they adapted by reserving almost all farmable land to farming.


  • Russia has been invaded by many countries, they almost all failed, Russia was able and to evade their chasers by using a scorch earth tactic to deny the enemy any additional supplies


  • Despite years of communist repression orthodox Christianity reigns as the most prevalent religion with 75% of the population
Photo by joseph a


  • The Volga river is unique. This is mainly because it is very long at almost 2300 miles long. It is also a very important feature for Russia because it connects a large portion of western Russia to the Caspar sea, an important trading platform
Photo by Emilio_13

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  • It is the largest forest in the world. It is a major source of lumber. Birch and oak are some of the more common species in the forest.
Photo by Jan Norman B