The story takes place in a beautiful settlement called Springfield. This is where Patty Reed and her family live. It is early 1846 and Patty and her family are ready for an adventure. She finds out that her family is going to California. In the heart of Illinois her family and friends prepare for the journey to California that lay ahead.
They make it to Independence with no problems. They buy new supplies and clothes for the journey. They think they see Indians but they are really Indian traders from Mexico.
They are on the fields of the open prairie. They have been traveling for about a month. They have had no real difficulties so far. They are heading to Independence, Missouri the last city on the frontier.
They get to the Kansas River a couple of weeks after they visited Independence. They make an arrangement with the ferryman to take them across the river. They are surprised when Indians take them across, but they notice they are tame Indians that work with the ferryman. They soon meet up with Colonel Russell's company.
After a couple of months of traveling they get to fort Laramie. It is July 4, 1846. They meet up with some other wagon trains and have a feast. The kids are having so fun but it will probably be the last of it.
As they are traveling the water is getting less likely to see. Then the party makes a terrible decision. They go on a new trail with a shortcut. The trail leads into the 40 mile desert with mountains in the middle. They lost many wagons and livestock.
After almost a year of traveling they make it to the Sierra Nevada mountains. But they get snowed in. Many die but in the end they get rescued by people from Sacramento.