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Sadako and the thousand paper cranes

Published on Mar 15, 2016

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Sadako and the thousand paper cranes
by Eleanor Coerr

A true story that will always live on and inspire so many people

Photo by Andy.Schultz

Main Characters

  • Sadako
  • Mrs. and Mr Sasaki
  • Her brothers Eiji, Masahiro, and her sister Mitsue
  • Her best friend Chizuko
Photo by Vox Efx


The setting is in her hometown Hiroshima. Also in the hospital.
Photo by Kansai Man

The problem is that Sadako is diagnosed with Leukemia (type of cancer) from the Atom bomb radiation that hit Hiroshima.

Photo by Ralph Hockens

The thousand paper cranes.

Sadakos best freind, Chizuko told Sadako that if she made a thousand paper cranes god will grant her a wish and she will feel better

Sadako died on October 25, 1955.She didn't get to finish the whole thousand paper cranes she only folded 644 so her classmates folded 356 more so she would get with the whole thousand. In her honor the people of Hiroshima raised enough money to make a statue of Sadako