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Same Love

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A. Speaker: The speaker of this song is Macklemore.
B. Occasion: The occasion is present time in America.
C. Audience: The audience of this song could be the LGBT community as it shows the life and struggles of a gay man in the video. The audience could also be the people who oppose or discriminate against the LGBT community, and the artist is trying to show them that people in the LGBT community can't change who they are.

D. Purpose: The purpose of this song is to show people that it is impossible to change who someone is. Also, this song came out around the time that gay marriage was going to become legalized throughout the United States, so this song may have been written to help bring awareness.
E. Subject: The subject is Equal treatment and rights for homosexuals in America.
F. Tone: The speaker's tone regarding the subject is passionate and supportive.

Rhetorical Devices

1. Appeal to ethos- The speaker uses an appeal to ethos when he says, "when I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay, 'Cause I could draw, my uncle was, and I kept my room straight. I told my mom, tears rushing down my face. She's like "Ben you've loved girls since before pre-k, trippin'." Yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she? Bunch of stereotypes all in my head." This adds to the message of the song because he shows how the societal stereotypes had personally affected him into believing he was homosexual.
2. Appeal to Ethos- The speaker uses an appeal to ethos when he says, "no freedom 'til we're equal, damn right I support it." This adds to the message because the speaker is adding his personal opinion, this celebrity that people respects is saying he supports th…

3. Hyperbole- The speaker uses a hyperbole when he says, "that holy water that you soak in has been poisoned." This adds to message because it's such an intense statement referring to a cherished Catholic tradition being "poisoned". He is almost attacking the church and hinting hypocrisy.
4. Appeal to Pathos- The speaker uses an appeal to pathos when he says, "when kids are walking 'round the hallway plagued by pain in their heart, a world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are." This makes the message so much stronger because it shows the effects the inequality and treatment has on homosexuals and the extremes it pushes them to, like suicide.

5. Imagery- The speaker uses imagery when he says, "with the veil over our eyes we turn our back on the cause." The speaker is giving the image of people who have a veil covering their eyes as to shield their eyes as they "turn their back on the cause" so that they may not see the damage they're causing and allowing. This contributed to the message of the song because it shows what those who stay silent do. Those who stay silent are exposed through this line, taking away their innocent play.

6. Personification- “Love is kind, Love is patient, Love is kind.”
In this quote from line , it gives a non living thing human qualities. Love cannot literally be patient or kind. By saying love is patient or kind, the artist is shaping your idea of what love is and how it feels to be in love.
7. “I told my mom tears rushing down my face, She’s like “Ben you’ve loved girls since before pre-k tripping” Assonance is also used in this song in this particular quote. There is a long A vowel sound in the k.

8. Alliteration- “If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me.”
This quote has alliteration where it says "hip-hop hates." All three words start with the H sound that is highlighted multiple times throughout the song.
9. Repetition- "And I can’t change Even if I tried, Even if I wanted to, I can’t change, Even if I try, Even if I wanted to, My love, My love, My love, she keeps me warm.” By repeating this quote multiple times, the artist is trying to convey that it's impossible for them to change themselves. By saying "she keeps me warm" the artist is trying to show that just because they're the same gender, they feel the same love for each other.

10. Rhetorical questions- “If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me. Have you read the YouTube comments lately?”
In this quote, the author is asking a question that he doesn't expect an answer from. He is using a question to prove a point and to make his audience think about the point he is trying to get across.

Same Love by Macklemore is about how America should have equal rights and treatment for the LGBTQIA community. The message is extremely effectively conveyed. The speaker conveys the message very powerfully, especially through his uses of rhetoric strategies. The speaker makes the audience think and open their eyes. This song has the power to change the opinion of bigots and strengthen the opinion of allies.