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SAMR Model for BLT

Explanation on the SAMR Model for education


How do you measure technology use?

Photo by jurvetson

SAMR Model

Developed by Ruben Puentedura
This model focuses on the learning, not technology tools. Provides teachers and district with a reflective tool to monitor technology integration implementation.

Goal: Transform learning to result in higher levels of achievement

Photo by bengrey


Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, no functional change
Using word processing document to replace written notes.

Writing is the same task, but the tools are different.

Tool is an enhancement.
Photo by eGuidry


Tech acts as direct tool substitute, with functional improvement
Tech can make it easier and enhances the task.

Example: Using Google Docs with added functionalities (auto-saving, syncing, saving to Cloud)

Tool is an enhancement.
Photo by Jitter Buffer


Tech allows significant task redesign
Not doing the same task, but redesigned.

Example: Using commenting in Google Docs to collaborate and share feedback.

Tool is an enrichment.


Tech allows creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable
Example: Share Google Doc beyond classroom.

In Bloom's corresponds to synthesis and evaluation.

Tool is an enrichment.

SAMR can be the blueprint.

This isn't something brand new. Just a new language on how you are using technology in the classroom.
Photo by Brian Rinker


SAMR in 120 seconds
Photo by Harry Doyle

How are you using technology?

Results from PD 2/11/15
Examples of how Social Studies and Science groups are using technology in the classroom on the spreadsheet using the link and applying the SAMR model.


Photo by Dystopos