Dispatch Leadership
- Jim McGowan + Sara Miller: Planning and Situational Awareness Staff
- Scott Otto - Volunteer Dispatch Liaison
- Angie Chiesa - Volunteer Dispatch Backup
Key Items
- Chapters and on-call staff by chapter
- Difference between Chicago & non-Chicago incidents.
- Maintaining a real-time timeline.
- Questions - DAT Captains & Dispatch Backup
- Expectations & Scheduling
How does Dispatch support DCS?
Our primary purpose . . .
. . . is to help individuals and families affected by
disasters by providing
assistance that helps to meet their immediate, emergency needs.
we will provide immediate assistance up to 7 days
The Many Hats of Dispatch
- Situational Awareness
- Incident Management
- Data Collection
- Client/Customer Services
We Monitor
- Twitter (RedxChi)
- GMail (norcen.dispatch)
- Radioman911
- Phones
Keep an Eye on Unique Situations
- Airport Alerts (or IFEs)
- Hazmats/Chemical Spills/Brush Fires
- Fires with "exposures"
- Severe Weather
- Transit accidents / derailments
Real Time Incident Tracking
- Notification of Incident
- Incident Verified
- Incident Dispatched*
- Responders Identified
- DAT On Scene
- DAT Off scene
Chicago: Verify immediately
(respond proactively)
Suburbs: Wait 15 minutes
(may we send responders)
What to record
- Verify Correct address (no intersections)
- Is the building residential, occupied?
- Name, phone number of Dispatcher
- Time incident occurred
- How many people/families displaced.
- Single Family Home or Apartment
At least 2 Responders:
- One DAT Lead
- 1-3 DAT Responders
- Mental Health Responder, if needed
Responders are required to call Dispatch when they arrive and leave scene
The Dispatcher is the Responder's lifeline! If they don't call you, call them after 90 minutes!
Four parts of a Wrap-up
- Livable or Non Livable (and other DA info)
- Client Information
- Assistance and CAC number(s)
- Other Services (Stock, Follow-ups)
CAS Event & Cases:
A single CAS Event Number is assigned to each Incident.
Several Cases can be opened at one Incident and each have their own unique Case Number.
Always thank your Responders
Casework & Recovery
- Clients who need more assistance.
- Clients impacted by non-disaster related issues.
- Clients impacted by disaster more than 7 days ago.
- Clients who need paperwork / proof of disaster.
Services to the Armed Forces (SAF)
This seems like a lot for one person.
Response Resources
- DAT Leads and Responders
- Disaster Health Services (DHS)
- Disaster Mental Health (DMH)
- Public Information Officer (PIO)
On-Call Support Team
- DAT Captain
- Dispatch Back-up
- Admin
DAT Captain Triggers
- 40+ people are affected
- Mass care is requested
- You cannot find 2 responders
- You're unsure of the next steps
- Incident is out of the ordinary (anything BIG)
"Got the line?"
- Log on 10 - 15 min before shift.
- Oncoming Dispatcher calls dispatch line.
- Outgoing Dispatcher briefs out.
- Oncoming Dispatcher transfers dispatch line.
- Out going Dispatcher calls dispatch number to make sure transfer successful.
What we ask.
- One shift a week as a trainee until promoted to solo dispatcher.
- Minimum of three shifts a month (12 hours) once promoted.
- Proactively schedule yourself.
- Find a sub when you are unable to fulfill a shift that is inside of a week.
- Ask questions!
Next Steps
- Take Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
- Review Sections 1, 2, & 3 of Dispatch Manual
- Schedule Shadow Shifts
- Practice logging into DCSOps