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Photo by Brett Jordan


  • The diameter of Saturn is 120,536 km
  • Distance from the sun:9.54 UAg
  • Orbital period 29.47 Earths years
  • Moons 60+
  • Saturn is the 6th planet away from the sun
  • 2nd largest planet
  • Saturns rotation takes 10h 42m
  • Saturn is the root word for Saturday
Photo by Samroski


  • Saturns atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium
  • The temperature is -270 degrees Fahrenheit and -168 degrees Celsius
  • Saturns density is 687 kg/m3
  • Saturns gravity 10.44 m/s2
  • Saturns made up of gases instead of the earth that is a solid
  • Saturns rings are the biggest and brightest
  • Saturn is the least density planet.of all the planets
  • Saturn is the farthest planet from earth with the naked eye
Photo by Peter Ras


  • If there was a bathtub big enough to hold Saturn it would float
  • The yellow and gold bands in Saturn are super fast winds in the upper atmosphere
  • Which wind speeds can reach up to 1,100mph
  • Saturn spins faster then all the planets besides Jupiter
  • Saturn TILTS at 27 degrees which is close to the earths tilt
  • Saturn haves season like earth butt they last 7 years each
  • Saturn has 4 main groups of rings and three fainter narrower ring group
  • The rings are separated by gaps called division
Photo by hermitsmoores


  • Could we land a space ship on the planet Saturn?
  • I don't think that we can land a space ship on the planet Saturn.because the wind speed reach up to 1100 mph in the atmosphere.the planets temp is a steady temp of -270 degrees and I don't think that the human life could live on a planet that is -270 degrees.I think it would be cool to live on Saturn butt very cold.It would be hard to a just to the change of day we would be rotate on the axis that take 10hr and 42min so that would be fast nights and fast days
Photo by zAmb0ni