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SAve the wombats

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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Save the Wombats

by: Christian Dubroc

Wombats are being overpopulated by a new species similar to them.

This is a problem because they are eating all the Wombat's food.

Wombats will probably be forced to move to find food or create a niche with the new species.

Koalas are also herbivores in the wombat ecosystem.

Wombats are nocturnal so they get their food at night to mostly avoid predators.

Koalas mainly eat leaves and wombats eat mainly grass so that is their niche. It is a niche because they worked it out so they could have what they needed.

It is a niche because they worked it out so they could have what they needed.

The tasmanian devil has entered the wombat ecosystem.

The new predator will probably make the wombat population go down.

Wombats protect themselves by blocking their burrows with their

Wombat Adaptions

A long time ago wombats immigrated into their ecosystem.

Wombats adapted because they had a rich diet of carbs so they had levels of amylase in their saliva.

Wombats also have backwards pouches so they can dig their burrows and carry the babies at the same time.

Wombats and snails have a mutualism symbiotic relationship.

Snail eat the Wombat waste and get a meal and the Wombat gets rid of the waste.

Humans have come into the wombat ecosystem to take land.

An invasive species called the Common Heliotrope has taken hold in the Wombat Ecosystem.

The Common Heliotrope is making wombats become very sick and causing them to die, and the population to decrease.

The wombats will probably have to find new food not affected by the species to survive.

A natural disaster that happens quite often in the grassland ecosystem is a drought.

The drought doesn't affect the animals too much because most of them have adapted to it and can survive until there is more water.

Humans are taking land from the wombats to use to plant crops and other plants.

This affects Wombats because they need the land so they can find food and build homes.

Therefore wombats will have to find a new region to live in to survive.

The wombats will need more grasses planted to eat and survive since theirs was used for other crops instead.

Another thing that would ensure that wombats have enough food in their ecosystem would be blocking off a certain area where humans couldn't plant.

To make this happen you could get rid of some plants that aren't doing anything and replace it with grasses.

You could also hire someone to make a wild life reserve for the wombats.

So if you give us the money we can hire the people we need to protect the wombats and their food.

So if you would like to save the wombats please give us money.
Thank You.

