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Say No to Drugs!

Published on Jun 15, 2022

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Say No to Drugs!

Why teens do drugs

Why do teens use drugs?

  • Peer Pressure
  • Self-Medication & Escape
  • Performance Improvement
  • Experimentation
  • To Feel Grown Up


  • It's definitely difficult to say no to your best friend, especially if you want to fit in. If your best friend or a peer offers you drugs, try to change the subject or find something else for you guys to do. It's a much better alternative to doing drugs.

Self-Medication & Escape

  • Even if the drugs are a prescription and are used for physical or mental health reasons, it's still important to be careful about how much you are taking. Overdoses can lead to serious probelms.

Performance Improvement

  • Stimulate drugs shouldn't be the solution to improving your acidemic performance. Instead, making schdules to work at certain times can help.
  • Even making time to relax and do the things you enjoy can help improve performances. The brain needs rest.


  • Being curious about doing drugs isn't good at all, being curious is normal, but that doesn't mean you should act on that curiosity.

To feel grown up

  • Teens want to feel grown up, and doing drugs makes them feel that way.
  • Being an adult isn't all fun and games, especially if you do drugs. Instead of doing drugs to feel grown up, try acting more mature by taking up more responibilities.

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Photo by verifex