School assessment at a distance

Published on Jan 19, 2021

Some things that teachers can do for assessment while in distance learning.



Things we can do next week

Assessment works best when we know the student's learning journey.

Photo by Jeswin Thomas

Assess what has been taught.
Teach around the standards.
Know the learning destination.

Photo by CDC

Everything is searchable

What does that mean for assessment?
Photo by frankieleon

When does assessment begin?

Is there really a formative and summative assessment?

universal response

Everyone participates
Photo by Zach Vessels

•Universal response every 10 minutes.
•Response cards / hold ups
•Chat review / short answers to questions

Photo by Darshan Patel

teach back

have students re-tell what they learned

writing in assessment

have students write generative sentences

Generative sentences:
Designate the vocab word, the position in the sentence, and the length of the sentence.

Ex: Volcanoes in the 4th position

Write a sentence with the word volcanoes in the 4th position.

Photo by Shawn Appel


Have students select the 5 most important words in the text.
Then, work with a partner to select the 5 most important words between the two lists.

Have students read the text for one minute, then write a one sentence summary.

Give a couple of these a try for next week and plan to report back.

Lawrence Ronglien

Haiku Deck Pro User