school discipline-when you get in trouble in class you have to go to the principals office and get a paddle, and if you resist you get more hits. And the principal doesn't get into any trouble...
If the student knows that they will get disciplined by the school principal they are most likely to listen and behave. Because they will know that they have consequences not just from their parents but from their principal also...
slogan- Don't use the paddle, be the paddle! I say this because the principal as himself should be ale to intimidate the student enough to where the student doesn't do anything ad to get the paddle so maybe, taking his/her playtime and having them sit in the classroom while everyone else plays...Let the parent handle the paddle business
Anti- The parent of the child may not want the teacher to paddle their children, they may not even paddle their children so that may have been difficult for them.
The court ruled against James because they felt he deserved the paddle and the teacher had the right to paddle him, i'm against that like I was saying the parent should be the only one who has a say on who can discipline their child...