School uniforms are a bad idea because it takes away the students individuality and they can't be unique.
-Students can express their opinions through the clothing they choose to wear.
-"Straight Pride" on a shirt offended the gay students.
-Took it to court, and courts agreed that "banning his shirt is unconstitutional.
-In the DePinto case the student said "I'm opposed to somebody telling me what to wear and trying to force me to wear something I don't want to wear.
Students will either lash out or stand up for what they want and either make a lawsuit or keep doing what they want until the school or facility do something about it.
Political and religious speech on clothing is protected by the constitution.
Majority of the cases about uniforms and what students can or can't wear all start by the students standing up for themselves.
The "Tinker" case was started because students were banned from wearing black wrist bands protesting against the governments policy in Vietnam.
Courts decided that the school had the right to make that decision, but students have the right to wear the black wrist bands.
-Teachers at a school in Long Beach would call out students who weren't following the dress code.
-They would scan crowds, call out students in wrong uniform, and penalties were given to the students.
If schools and teachers weren't so strict about the uniforms and following the uniform guide lines, students would cooperate better.
Not just clothing, but also looks can ban kids from schools.
A young girl shaved her head because her friend had cancer and the school sent her home because it was against the 'dress code'.
A girl named Sunnie left her school because she didn't look girly enough in the facility and other students eyes.
Looked like a boy, did boy hobbies, and was bullied so much she left.
-Schools dress codes are becoming so strict that students can't be themselves and it's forcing kids to leave.
-Makes them feel uncomfortable with who they are.
-1st counter-argument:
-Statistics show that uniforms reduce problems, conflicts, suspensions. Just problems within schools.
-Easier to recognize non students.
They may be safer in some parts, but if I was a teacher I would rather have students be unique and be them selves then forced to look like everyone else.
-2nd counter-argument:
-Rates of fights went down with uniforms.
-Safer environment.
-There will be less fights happening because students are acting better.
Not all students are going to act better because they have a uniform on.
-It's not going to change who they are, just going to change what they look like at school.