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Science Abc Book

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Photo by Shardayyy

A= air pressure, the force of air molecules pushing on an area.

Photo by Salim Virji

B= bacteria, part of a classification system that divides all living things into six kingdoms. Kingdom bacteria included microscopic single celled organisms found in many environments, bacteria can be associated with disease in other organisms

C = cell! the smallest unit that is able to preform the basic functions of life.

D = dew point! the temperature at which air with given amount of water vapor will reach saturation

Photo by samit4me

E = embryo, multicellular organism, plant or animal, in its earliest stages of development.

F= force, a push or a pull, something that changes the motion of an object

Photo by __MaRiNa__

G = germination, the beginning of growth of a new plant from a spore or a seed

H = hail, layered lumps or balls of ice that fall from cumulonimbus clouds

Photo by djwudi

I = inclined plane, a single machine that is sloping surface, such as a ramp.

Photo by lesliepear

J = jet stream, a wind flow in the upper troposphere from west to east over vast distances at great speeds

Photo by VinothChandar

K= kinetic energy, the energy of motion, a moving object has the most kinetic energy at the point where it moves the fastest

Photo by Cayusa

L = lever, a solid bar that rotates , or turns around a fixed point ( fulcrum ) one of the six simple machines

M = machine, any device that makes work easier.

N = newtons, the measure of force

O = organism, an individual living thing, made up of many cells, that is capable of growing and reproducing

P = pollen, tiny multicellular grains that contain the undeveloped sperm cells of a plant

Q = qualitative, relation to measuring or measure by quality of something

R = radiation, energy that travels across distances in the form of electromagnetic waves

Photo by Werner Kunz

S = spore, a single reproductive cell that can grow into a multicellular organism.

Photo by Ari Helminen

T = taxonomy, the science of classifying and naming organisms

Photo by several_bees

U = ultraviolet radiation, radiation of higher frequencies than visible light, which can cause sun burn and other types of damage

Photo by *~Dawn~*

V = variable,any factor that can change in a controlled experiment, observation, or model

Photo by Mr Ush

W= work, the use of force to move an object over a distance.

X= x- axis, manipulated variable

Photo by blmiers2

Y= y- axis, dependent variable

Photo by jurvetson

Z= zebra, an African wild horse with black and white strips

Photo by skipnclick