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Science Adaptations Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Science vocabulary words for chapter one section three.



Photo by mattwalker69


A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to live successfully in its environment

Deer Adaptations and Uses- Brown-colored body and curved ears; they hide easily from other animals with their camouflage and they can hear animals approaching them from far away

Photo by Dawn Huczek

Owl Adaptations and Uses- night vision and 360 degree head-turning; they can see great at night with their vision and they can turn their heads almost all the way around to see if anyone is coming

Photo by merec0

Elephant Adaptations and Uses- Size and trunk; their massive size protects them from wild animals and their trunks can get food from high-up places

Predation Definition:
An interaction in which one organism kills another for food

Photo by David Bygott

Predator- Wolf

Prey- Deer

Predator- Shark

Prey- Fish

Photo by petersbar

Predator- Grizzly Bear

Prey- Fish

Photo by danskiego

Symbiosis Definition:
A close relationship between two species that benefits at least one of the species

Photo by Wiley Wiggins

Mutualism Definition:
A relationship between two species in which both species benefit
Examples- dogs comforting humans and humans giving them food, water, and shelter and bees getting pollen from flowers then pollinating other flowers

Photo by Leda4me

Commensalism Definition:
A relationship between two species in which one species benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed
Examples- bird eating insects off of hippo and a spider builds a web on a tree

Parasitism Definition:
A relationship in which one organism lives on or in a host and harms it
Examples- tapeworm inside human and eating most of the human's nutrients and mosquitoes sucking your blood

Photo by dr_relling

Parasite Definition:
An organism that lives inside or on another organism and takes food from the organism in or which it lives
Host Definition:
An organism that provides food to a parasite that lives on or inside it

Natural Selection:
A process by which characteristics that make an individual better suited to its environment become more common in a species

Photo by Enokson

The role of an organism in its habitat, or how it makes its living

The struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the same limited resource

Photo by jurvetson

Thanks for watching!!!

Photo by victor_nuno