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Science Collaborative Inquiry

Published on Apr 06, 2016

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Science Collaborative Inquiry


Professional Learning Is Like...

Visual Synetics

Why Are We Here?

Ø Can learn about how to facilitate inquiry-based learning as an instructional method.
Ø Will find an increase in the quality of instructional time, an improvement in student engagement, and a greater ability of ensuring dialogue, discussion, collaboration, and inquiry.
Ø Will find an increase of teacher-student interaction during class time, which will allow for better modeling of dialogue, discussion, collaboration, and inquiry.
Ø Will be better able to differentiate instruction based on students’ needs
Ø Will increase the quality and effectiveness of assessment for and as learning practices.
Ø Will promote science as a subject matter that is active and engaging, and involve students in dialogue, discussion, collaboration, and inquiry rather than passive learning of science material.
Photo by joelogon

If we support teachers in collaborative inquiry, using 21st C strategies to engage students as scientists with an emphasis on cross-curricular numeracy, then students will develop their creative and critical thinking abilities, improve their communication skills, and collaborate in an inquiry-driven environment.

Learning Goals

  • Identify instructional and assessment practices that support student learning
  • Understand the process of collaborative learning rounds as a format for PL
  • Develop processes, tools, and timelines for undertaking your CI rounds
  • Determine ways of gathering evidence and documenting learning
Photo by [ henning ]


  • Intro to Collaborative Inquiry Rounds
  • Vision of the Scientifically Literate/21st Century Graduate
  • Problem of Practice
  • Lunch
  • Group Formation
  • Theory of Action
  • Pre-Round Planning & Logistics
Photo by greglobinski


Experience of Deep Learning.
Think of an experience that you have had which facilitated deep learning for you/led to change. What were the qualities/characteristics that made the experience powerful?
Photo by Kalexanderson

Code the Text

  • ✔ something that reaffirms prior knowledge
  • ! a new or important idea
  • ? something I am curious or have a question about
Individually read through the article ‘Learning From Instructional Rounds’. As you are reading, code your text using the following guide

When finished, share with partner
Photo by jared

What are some ways that Collaborative Learning Rounds align with the ideas that you brainstormed earlier about powerful learning that leads to change?

Collaborative Learning Rounds Process

The Round sheet is not a lesson plan. It puts the teaching and learning into context for the host and the observers.

Discuss difference between this process and TPA for example - it is non-evaluative - we are learning together/inquiring into practice

Wonderings - questions should not have preambles, they should not be disguised advice, and there should not be a pre-determined answer in mind. The point is not to offer solutions but to stimulate thinking

Then the Rounds process continues (cyclical) with next round.


Scientifically Literate/21st Century Graduate

Have them write on individual sticky notes specific knowledge and skills

Group ideas first at tables then post and see what commonalities there are whole group

Problem of Practice

"The Stones in our Shoes"
The stones in our shoes are the things that nag at the edge of our consciousness, the small irritants that demand just a bit of our attention every day, whether we want to give it or not. But those stones can also be “little homes” for the questions or concerns that can lead us to identifying meaningful problems of practice.

What are some of the things that you wonder about in your classroom What are some questions, worries, and issues you haven’t been able to work out yet? Write them down on separate sticky notes. Remind people to keep the focus on the knowledge/skills that they identified as important for student learning. Easy to get bogged down in our feelings and lose sight of our end goals.

Over lunch, have teachers do groupings


Photo by nillamaria

"What's in YOUR Wallet?"

(Or Phone)
Photo by Ari Helminen

Understanding Theories of Action

In an inquiry-minded, action-oriented framework, we are engaging in “adventurous teaching” - a need for exploration (discovery, novelty, innovation, variation, risk taking, and experimentation).
Photo by amsfrank

If WE do...

Technology, Pedagogy, Assessment, Curriculum Knowledge
If = a teacher action or intervention – What do we wonder about? Our wonderings need to be grounded in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment – What do we need to learn more about to impact student learning?

FOCUS teacher commitment to trying a new strategy or learning about something that they think will impact the targeted learning.
Photo by Tortured Mind

Then Students Will...

'Look Fors', Evidence, Expectations
Then = how you think the action will impact student learning – What will the students learn? Is the learning need connected to curriculum expectations?

NOT ABOUT A PRODUCT - focus on the learning
Photo by ML_Duong

Teacher Action
Student Learning

A criterion for a theory of action is that the cause and effect relationship between the teacher action and its impact on student learning should be clear, precise and focused primarily on a single action (limited) (and not based on multiple actions) so teachers can determine with some reliability that it was their one action and not another action or contributing factor that caused the change/impact on student learning. This would mean that any theory of action has to 'work' or live at the level of the classroom lesson or lessons.
Photo by Mrs4duh

Pre-Round Planning


What might a ‘Rounds Day’ release day look like?
Dates for your rounds (link to form?)
Purpose of our collaborative site
Role of ICs and ITRTs
Photo by foilman


  • Notes/Artifacts/Reflections/Learning from your round
  • Video Reflections on Flipgrid
  • Others (Classroom)
in relation to your problem of practice/theory of action
in relation to the effectiveness of the collaborative learning rounds process as a professional learning model
Photo by Stéfan

Final Thoughts

Photo by dt4lt

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