I will dip the tummies onto the different types of liquids. I had cryogenic napalm, dry ice water, regular water, boiled water, cold water, and frozen water.
The results ended in the boiled water and the cryogenic napalm being the most affective. The regular water did the least to change anything from the worm. Then the cold water, then the dry ice water, and then the last three are the most affective. First it was the frozen water that quite frankly was only a tad bit less affective than the cryogenic napalm. For the cryogenic water, I used two spoons full of 50% rubbing alcohol. However that only made the gummy worm cold. So I tried again using 70% rubbing alcohol and it froze it within 15 minutes. I had to try to measure the boiled gummy worm because my first time I tried, it melted and turned the water all red. So the second time I got at least 80% of the worm and scaled it.
In conclusion I was right! The boiled water and the cryogenic napalm proved to be the most affective. I was quite surprised on how much alcohol I needed to freeze the gummy worm. And also I was suprised that the frozen water made a similar reaction to the cryogenic napalm. With that being said time clearly does affect density. Next time I would like to better my experiment by putting 99% rubbing alcohol. And leaving all the gummy worms in the liquid a lot longer. Next I would like to dry to see a reaction when I put boiled water and a gummy worm in the cryogenic napalm tank. Rest in peace gummy worms. Your sacrifice helps.