1543 Copernicus' heliocentric theory is published in "on the revolution of the Celestial Spheress"which is seen as the symbolic beginning of the scientific revolution.
1554 A major precursor to Galileo Galilei, Giovanni Benedict opposed Aristotle work and argued that freely falling bodies moves with speeds proportion to weight.
1609-1610 Galileo Galilei publishes his findings and observes that there are numerous stars that are invisible to the naked eye, mountains on the moon and four moons of Jupiter
1616 The year of the famous injunction against Galileo, the famous Italian astronomer is a warned by the inquisition not hold or depend the hypothesis asserted Copernicus "On the Revolution ".
1620 English attorney and "New Science" advocate Francis Bacon publishes his famous work "Novum Organum", which establishes a method based on observation and experiment. We know this method as the scientific method.