SEA turtles!
Sea turtles: one type of turtle
Unique features?
*Have flippers instead of feet
What climate / environment do they live in?
*Live mainly in warmer water (the ocean / sea)
How big are they?
*largest: leatherbacks; 500-2000 lbs; 6' long shell
*smallest: Kemp's ridley; 30" shell; 100 lbs
What do they eat?
*Eat jelly fish (leatherbacks)
*Eat sponges (hawksbills)
*Eat sea grass (green turtles)
*Eat shrimp, sea urchins, fish, seaweed, mollusks
How do they breathe?
*Need to breathe air
*Have lungs, not gills
*Can hold their breath for 2-7 hrs when restful, like sleeping.
**some sea turtles, like the leatherback, can dive down to 3000 ft for their food ... jellyfish!
When do they leave the water?
*Only come to shore to lay eggs
*Live 50-100 years!