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secret spies

Published on Nov 18, 2015

the secret spies info book tells us all we need to know if we ever want to become a spy.


secret spies

do you want to become a spy
Photo by JD Hancock

what are spies

  • spies are people that spy on other countries
  • spies can work for the government
  • their are movie spies and real spies
  • real spies work for the government they help there country win a battles
  • movie spies are fake spies, they act out movies and pretend there real spies
please comment and give me tips, positive tips and mission tips.

THANKS !!!!!

Photo by MohammadHasan

what are the rules

  • the rules of being spies are very hard to keep
  • to be a spy you have to commit to the mission
  • you have to stick to the country you work for
  • don't get caught
  • you have to follow the rules even if you brake the law
Photo by spike55151

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