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Welcome everyone.
Introduce myself.
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

Presentation for DallasHR JobLink



Mike Caracalas, JobLink, 8/4/2015
Welcome everyone.
Introduce myself.

What is a Coach?

Need to start with a definition.
Ask for answers.

Untitled Slide

How about this?

To answer this question, we need to go to the origin of the word.
Photo by pedrosimoes7

A Vehicle to take you from Where You Are to Where You Want to Go

Read defintion
Photo by pedrosimoes7

A Vehicle to take you from Where You Are to Where You Want to Go

Or if you prefer a more modern version.
Photo by LA Wad

Untitled Slide

So that means that self-coaching must mean taking the wheel for yourself.
Photo by subadei

Self-Coaching Means Taking the Wheel

Two of the most fundamental skills of coaching are asking powerful questions and listening effectively to the answers.

Self-coaching means asking yourself powerful questions and listening deeply for your own response.
Photo by subadei

Where Are You?

Where Do You Want to Go?

As you can tell from the definition, two of the most powerful questions are...
Photo by mChuca

So Where Do You Want to Go...?

Let's tackle this one first.
Photo by Qfamily

...in your job search?

You can answer it on a surface level, like: "where do I want to go in my job search? and you answer might be well, I want a job, or want an HR Biz Ptnr job"
Photo by Qfamily

...in your career?

Or you can start to answer it at a deeper level, like "where do I want to go in my career?"
Photo by Qfamily

...in your life?

You might even find yourself at a time like this asking what you want from life.

At this level, it gets pretty difficult to answer without also asking...
Photo by Qfamily

How Do You Know?

Why do you want that?

How do you even know the answers to those questions?
Photo by Qfamily

Purpose and Values

To answer deeper level questions, you must have a sense of your own values and purpose.

Values = what's important to you.

Purpose = answers the Why


Exercise to help answer Where Do You Want to Go, starting with Life Purpose.

Settle. Maybe even take a couple focused breaths.

3 scenarios (can think of as Visualizations if you want):

1. Peak time in your life. Peak experience. Fully alive. Fully yourself. Happy. Content.

2. Lottery

3. 90th birthday

Where Are You Now?

What do you think of when I ask you this question?
Where are you geographically, physically, emotionally, mentally, in relation to a goal, etc.
Photo by nickfyson

It's a matter of perspective

The answer depends on your perspective, or your interpretation of the question. And both of those are a matter of Choice.
Photo by extranoise

Moving Forward Often Means Shifting Perspective

When stuck, what's needed is to shift perspectives, which is a choice.
Photo by mx2.de


Never Forget
Where You Are Going

Photo by mdalmuld

Powerful Perspectives Wherever You Are


Mike Caracalas, JobLink, 8/4/2015