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Self Harm

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Self Harm

In Adolescents Presenting to A&E

Presented by
Zowie Camps
Danielle Boylan
Zoë Smith
Sarah Scott
Saisha Doyle
Louise Wareing

Photo by Mr.Tea

Aims and Outcomes

  • To gain an understanding of the vulnerabilities and risks that adolescents who self harm face.
  • The role of NHS professionals in managing and treating this risk.
  • The safeguarding needs of those adolescents who present in A&E
  • Challenging professional attidues and stigma
  • Future developments and conclusion
Photo by enggul

Definition of Self Harm

  • "Self poisoning or self-injury, irrespective of the apparent purpose of the act" (NICE, 2011)
  • 'An act with a non-fatal outcome, in which an individual initiates a non habitual behaviour that without intervention from others, will cause self harm.' (WHO, 2011)
Photo by LauraLewis23

CHARACTERISTICS and Vulnerabilities

  • What makes a young person more at risk to self-harm?
  • Why do young people self-harm?
  • How do they feel?
  • What are the myths of self harm?
Photo by Lotus Carroll

Adolescents who self-Harm presenting in A&E

  • Why do patients who self harm present to A&E?
  • What stigma do they face?
  • The unpopular patient? How do nursing professionals perceive those that self-harm?
Photo by visibleducts

The role of the nurse in safeguarding

  • What are the priority needs of those presenting with self harm to A&E?
  • What are the safeguarding obligations of the staff?
  • What are the training needs of A&E Staff?
  • How can the A&E team facilitate better outcomes for the patient who self harms?
Photo by mescon

inter-PROFESSIONAL working

  • What guidelines are in place to safeguard the patient during assessment?
  • How do the MDT work together to safeguard the patient?
  • What consideration should be given to confidentiality and consent ?

Actions for future developments

  • How can Nurses work collaboratively with community agencies?
  • What future developments and proposal's should be considered?
  • What signposting is available for adolescents?
Photo by VinothChandar

References and Further Reading

Photo by Alexandra*Rae



Untitled Slide

Photo by PONCE 2007