All of the serfs were not allowed to leave the manor or own property or marry without an improval from the lords. Lord couldn't sell Serfs In There Own.
Serfs worked worked long hours on the lords land and preformed services for the lord.They spend three days working for the lordand the rest of the week growing crops for themselfs
Lords also had a duty to protect there serfs , providing them the safety they needed to grow there own crops
In the Middle Ages serfs were allowed to buy there own freedom.
The farmers will grow crops and will give them the crops to the lords, also the
Serfs had a little furniture. Tables were made from boards stretch across benches, and most peasants slept on a straw mattresse on the floor
In the spring,serfs planted crops such as summer wheat,barley,oats,peas,and beans.Crops planted in the fall included winter wheat and rye. Woman often helped in the fields.
It wasn't easy for the serfs to gain there freedom. One way was to run away to the towns. If a serf remained in a town for more than a year, he or she was considered free. By the end of the middle ages, serfs in many kingdoms were also allowed to buy their freedom