Any mammal part of the 'Bovidae' family that have hoofs and hollow horns
This includes cattle, sheep, goats and gazelles
a snout, a pair of horns (usually on males) immediately after the oval or pointed ears, a distinct neck and limbs, and a tail varying in length and bushiness among the species.The bovids show great variation in size and pelage colouration.
Lives in temperate rain-forests in the Pacific Northwest.
They like to browse.
They are herbivores and they feed on Douglas-fir, western red cedar, red huckleberry, salal, deer fern, lichens, grasses, blackberries, apples, fireweed, pearly everlasting, forbs, salmonberry, and maple.
Size: Smaller than the average mule and white tail deer.
Enemies: Hunters, coyotes, cougars, bears, wolves, and golden eagles.
The animal can eat poison oak without experiencing an allergic reaction.
Males will sometimes fight over a female during the mating season
They eat large amounts of catkins and tall grasses living in the water. They even eat the leaves of water lilies.
Predators: Wolves, bears, and humans.
Moose are excellent swimmers. They can swim 6 miles per hour without a break for about 2 hours.
Bulls have magnificent palm-antlers.
The large hooves of a Moose help clear and scrape snowy areas for underlying food such as moss, and they keep the moose from sinking into deep snow (like snowshoes).