Session 3: The Mind of Christ: Building Minds of Peace and Power

Published on Jan 23, 2016

This session discusses the nature of the human mind and brain, and explores the nature of the soul as it relates to the renewal of the mind.

The outcomes of cultivating the carnal side of the mind are explored, along with the outcomes of cultivating the spiritual mind. The result is either a reprobate mind or a renewed mind, and the attendant blessings or pangs associated with each.

The study concludes with specifics on exactly how to develop a renewed mind of power and peace, and the results of investing in the spiritual disciplines of study and meditation.


Building Minds of Peace and Power

"Who can know the LORD's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT)

The Mind Is Not the Brain

Brain is Body.  Mind is Soul.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Brains Are Our Hardware

They Provide the Means for Thought
Photo by l33tname

Minds Are Our Software

We Input Data and They Produce Thought

Brains Mature Biologically

Physical and Chemical Capacities for Thought
Photo by jamesfischer

Minds Mature Spiritually

Mental and Spiritual Capacities For Truth & Imagination

Minds Choose
Thought Content.

Brains Work With What They're Given

The Content We Give Our Minds Controls The Formation of Our Souls

Believers Can Consistently Choose What Controls The Mind.
Non-Believers Cannot.

Photo by perledarte

There Are Two Opposite States of Mind and Two Outcomes

Spiritual Mind produces a renewed mind, resulting in "life and peace" Romans 8:6

Carnal Mind
produces a reprobate mind, leading to death Romans 8:6

Photo by Ian Sane

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Romans 8:6

Photo by perledarte

Carnal thinking creates an "internal civil war" between our untrained flesh and God's Spirit in us (Galatians 5:16-17)

Someone who allows carnal thinking "cannot" please God (Romans 8:4-8)

A "Soul at War" produces turmoil, instability, and duplicity while eliminating peace and joy

Photo by Idhren

Once Trained, the Mind (whether renewed or reprobate) Directs the Body and Governs Our Lifestyle Decisions for Good or Bad

Photo by Ian Sane

A Carnal Mind Produces

  • Mental Uncertainty
  • Spiritual Apathy
  • Emotional Anxiety
  • Sensuality & Objectification
Photo by Idhren

The Mind of Christ Produces

  • Penetrating Discernment
  • Godly Wisdom
  • Genuine Intimacy
  • Great Creativity
  • Sanctified Imagination
  • Powerful Innovation
  • Happiness, Wholeness, and Holiness
Photo by J. Batbaatar

How to Build a Renewed Mind

1. Develop Bible Knowledge

2 Timothy 2:15
Photo by

2. Assemble Doctrinal Truths

1 Timothy 4:16
Photo by Lutz_ek

3. Study Christian Ethics

1 Cor 13:13; Heb 5:14

4. Read Broadly on Subjects

Acts 7:3; 20-22; Eccl 1:16; Dan 1:17

5. Frequently Think Deeply

Phil. 4:8

6. Assemble a Biblical Worldview

Eph 4:17-21; Rom 12:2

7. Model a Mature Mind to Others

2 Tim 3:10 "You Know My Manner of Life"


An Integrated Life (Whole)

  • Living Free of Debilitating Habits
  • Overcoming Destructive Behaviors
  • Making & Keeping Commitments
  • Modeling Consistent Ethical Living

An Integrated Life (Whole)

  • Maintaining Godly Relationships
  • Powerful Thinking and Discernment
  • Mental Peace and Well-Being


  • What is an important insight from this lesson?
  • Why is cultivating a renewed mind necessary?
  • Which of the 7 principles could be most helpful to you?
  • How can you help others develop a renewed mind using these truths?