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Hello 7B. My name is Madison M and I'm going to talk to you about a Japanese tradition that first started 13 centuries ago. In Japanese it's pronounced "Setsubun" and in English it literally means "seasonal division".
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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Japanese Spring Festival
Hello 7B. My name is Madison M and I'm going to talk to you about a Japanese tradition that first started 13 centuries ago. In Japanese it's pronounced "Setsubun" and in English it literally means "seasonal division".
Photo by ranpie


First Day Before Spring
Setsubun normally falls on the 3rd or 4th of February (depending on the calendar of course). In Japan, Setsubun means it's on the first day before Spring.
Photo by zilverbat.


China in 8th Century
Now Setsubun is a Japanese tradition that started 1,300 years ago which originated in Tsuina, China. The whole point of the festival is to ward off evil demons and to bring in good luck.


There are lots of parts to the Setsubun festival, but one of the most important ones is called "mame-maki". in Mame-maki someone dresses up as an ogre and runs around the house. The household then chases the ogre around the house chanting "oni wa soto" ("get out demons!") and also chant "fuku wa uchi" ("come in happiness").

During this they throw roasted soybeans at the ogre so that no evil enters their home or brings them bad luck that year.

There's also a custom that some families do... Remember mame-maki? Well, the demon is normally the head of the house.
Photo by mdid

Untitled Slide

Let's pretend it's Setsubun. I'm going to set the mood by getting a calendar - 3rd February.

Alright. I'm going to hand out some roasted soybeans or "fuku maki", which means "fortune beans". Normally after mame-maki is performed the children and adults would pick up and eat the same amount of beans they're turning this year. So I'm turning 13 this year, so I would eat 13 beans.


Celebrities & Sumo Wrestlers  
Most families also go to ceremonies in their area or insome cases to bigger mame-maki events. In larger events you could expect to see celebrities, sumo wrestlers and various national famous people.

They perform mame-maki on the stage and at the end throw the beans and small gifts to the crowd,

Some traditions still remain from the early days, such as putting a smoked salmon with holly leaves on their doors.
Photo by gorgeoux

Quiz Time

Get your brains thinking!
Before I finish up, I have a quiz for all of you. The first person to answer correctly will get a chocolate frog...

Question 1: What does "fubu maki" mean?
Question 2: When is Setsubun?
Question 3: Which country did Setsubun originate from?
Question 4: Who dresses up as the demon in Mame-maki?
Question 5: What do they chant as they throw beans at the demon?
Question 6: What century did Setsuban start?
Question 7: What kind of beans do they use?