Dignity of the human person
To me this teaching means that you should have respect for everybody no matter what because we are all equal under Gods eyes.
"Rich and poor have a common bond: God is the creator of all of them."
I think that the second one means that everyone should participate in their community and lend a helping hand to those in need.
"Give from what you have received and do not turn away from the poor."
The third catholic social teaching is rights and responsibilities.
The third catholic social teaching means to me that everybody has a part in their life and a part in the world.
"An authentic faith always implies a deep desire to change the world."
The fourth teaching states that we should have options for the poor and vulnerable.
I think that this statement means that America should make it easier for the homeless and needy to get jobs easier.
"True worship is to work for the justice and care for the poor and oppressed."
The fifth catholic social teaching is the dignity of workers and the rights of workers.
The meaning that I get from this teaching is that workers should get the same equal right as everybody else and be treated the same.
" the fight was never about grapes or lettuce it was about people"
The sixth catholic social teaching is solidarity.
Solidarity means that no matter your race or economical differences we are all brothers and sisters under gods eyes.
" if one member of Christ's body suffers, all suffer. If one member is honored we all rejoice."
The seventh catholic social teaching is that we should have care for gods creation.
I think that this means that all people have a part in taking care of our environment and we should have respect for it.
"God loves and cares for all creation and so should we."