Tornadoes Dan Eggink 1st hour 4/17/17 - Definition A mobile destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
Statistics- Average number of tornado events each year 1,179
Number of people killed 4,795
Average number of people killed per year in a tornado 227
Average Economic Damage per year
Stay away from windows,
If you are outdoors find a field or ditch away from items that can fly through the air and lie down as flat as you can.
Do notstay in a car or try to drive away from a tornado, cars can be flung about by high winds or crushed by debris.
Watch- a tornado watch is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms called a Supercell that are capable of producing tornadoes
Warning-a tornado warning is an alert issued by national weather forecasting agencies to warn the public that severe thunderstorms with tornadoes are imminent or occurring.
The tornado scale is EF0 to EF5 0 being the weakest and 5 strongest.